home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke55,00:poke56,140:clr
- 20 dn=peek(186):ifdn<8thendn=8
- 30 goto100
- 90 poke 214,yy:poke211,xx:print"[145]";:return
- 95 :
- 100 sys57812"radac.o",dn,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,152:sys65493
- 110 ci=0:rem ci=1, cache fetched: ci=0, no cache fetched
- 111 sys38912,"p",1,rt:ifrt>10thenl=111:goto9000
- 115 dim st%(400)
- 116 sp$=" ":hv$=chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)
- 117 hv$=hv$+hv$:hv$=hv$+hv$:hv$=hv$+hv$+chr$(255)
- 200 goto 2000
- 1000 print"any key continues[146]";
- 1010 poke 198,0:wait198,15:getq$:print"[145]":print" ";
- 1020 return
- 1100 :
- 1102 rem get routine: at$ =display:a1=1=alpha:al=fld len
- 1103 :
- 1110 a1$="":a2=0:ifa3<>1 then poke198,0
- 1115 xx=0:gosub90:gosub1295:poke204,0
- 1120 poke204,0:wait198,15:get a$
- 1125 poke204,1
- 1130 a=asc(a$):if a=20 thengosub1300:goto1195
- 1132 if a1=1 and a=145 then a2=4:goto1200
- 1133 if a1=1 and a=17 then a2=5:goto1200
- 1135 if a=145 or a=175 or a=147 then 1120
- 1140 if a=13then 1200
- 1141 if a<32 then 1120
- 1142 if a=95 then a2=9:goto1200
- 1144 if a=34 then 1120
- 1145 if a<91 then 1148
- 1146 if a<193 or a>218 then 1120
- 1148 if a1=1 then 1180
- 1150 if a$="."ora$="," then1180
- 1160 if a$ = "-" and len(a1$) = 0 then 1180
- 1170 if a < 48 or a > 60 then 1120
- 1180 if len(a1$)>al-1 then 1120
- 1190 a1$=a1$+a$
- 1195 gosub1295:ifa3<>1then 1120
- 1196 if len(a1$)=al then return
- 1197 goto 1120
- 1200 dv=0:l =len(a1$):a = 0:at = 0:p = 0:an = 1:gosub1295
- 1205 if a1=1 then return
- 1210 for i=1 to l:a$ = mid$(a1$,i,1)
- 1215 if a$="-" then an=-1:goto 1260
- 1220 ifa$=","then 1260
- 1230 if a$="."thendv=1:goto 1260
- 1240 if dv=0 then a=val(a$):at = at*10 + a
- 1250 if dv=1 then p=p+1:a=val(a$):at = at + a/(10^p)
- 1260 next:at=at*an:return
- 1295 print:print "[145]";at$;" ";a1$;" [157][157]";:return
- 1300 l=len(a1$):ifl=0then return
- 1310 l=l-1:a1$=mid$(a1$,1,l):return
- 2000 poke53281,6:poke53280,6:print"",chr$(142)
- 2010 print "[147] coupon tracker"
- 2020 print " [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 2030 print tab(10);"1. fetch"
- 2032 print tab(10);"2. add "
- 2034 print tab(10);"3. locate"
- 2036 print tab(10);"4. list "
- 2038 print tab(10);"5. purge "
- 2040 print tab(10);"6. compress"
- 2042 print tab(10);"7. archive"
- 2044 print tab(10);"8. quit "
- 2050 print " enter number":poke198,0
- 2060 wait198,15:geta$
- 2070 if a$="1"thengosub3200:goto2000
- 2075 if a$="2"thengosub2500:goto2000
- 2080 if a$="3"thengosub3400:goto2000
- 2085 if a$="4"thengosub4200:goto2000
- 2090 if a$="5"thengosub4500:goto2000
- 2093 if a$="6"thengosub5000:goto2000
- 2095 if a$="7"thengosub3000:goto2000
- 2097 if a$="8"thengoto2200
- 2100 goto 2060
- 2200 print"[147]quit......":if ci then 2210
- 2201 close15:open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 2202 ifer<>63thenend
- 2203 poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)",8"
- 2204 print"run"
- 2205 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 2210 print " cache has data."
- 2220 print " do you wish to archive? (y/n)":poke198,0
- 2230 wait198,15:geta$:if a$="n" then end
- 2240 goto2000
- 2497 :
- 2498 :rem add
- 2499 :
- 2500 if ci=0 then gosub2700
- 2510 print"[147] ":print"add new coupon":print"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 2520 yy=7:xx=0:gosub90:print "enter:"
- 2530 a1=1:yy=8:xx=0:gosub90:al=25:at$="name= "
- 2540 print at$:gosub1100:pn$=a1$:yy=9:gosub90:at$="expiry date (yymmdd)="
- 2550 a1=0:al=6:printat$:gosub1100:ex=at
- 2560 yy=11:gosub90:print"for percent enter return"
- 2570 yy=12:gosub90:at$="amount= ":printat$:gosub1100
- 2580 if at<>0 then am%=at*100:st%=0:goto2600
- 2590 at$="[158]percent= ":gosub1100:am%=at+10000:st%=1:print""
- 2600 i=0
- 2605 i=i+1:ifst%(i)= 0then2610
- 2606 if i>400 then 2650
- 2607 goto2605
- 2610 st%(i)=1:ct%=int(1000+i)
- 2620 sys38912,"t",1,"a",pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt:if rt>10 then l=2620:goto9000
- 2630 up=1:print chr$(13);"[153] file number is";i;"":gosub1000:return
- 2640 ifrt<>65thenl=2640:goto9000
- 2650 print" file full: item not added":gosub1000:return
- 2700 print"[147] building file!":pn$="":am%=0:ex=0:ct%=0:st%=0
- 2710 sys38912,"c",1,rt:sys38912,"o",1,"sifi",rt:ifrt>10thenl=2710:goto9000
- 2720 fori=1 to 400:st%(i)=st%:next
- 2740 ci=1:return
- 2997 :
- 2998 :rem archive
- 2999 :
- 3000 print"[147]archive.....":if ci=0 then 3100
- 3005 close15:open15,8,15,"i0":input#15,e,e$,t,s
- 3010 yy=8:xx=0:gosub90:a1=1:al= 8
- 3020 at$=" enter file name:":printat$:gosub1100:if len(a1$)=0 then return
- 3025 sys38912,"a","2"+ a1$,8,rt
- 3030 print:i=0:if rt>10 then l=3030:goto9000
- 3040 sys38912,"c",1,rt:ci=0:sys38912,"o",1,"i",rt:if rt>10thenl=3040:goto9000
- 3045 i=i+1:if i>400 then 3060
- 3050 sys38912,"t",1,"a",st%(i),rt:ifrt>10thenl=3050:goto9000
- 3055 print".";:goto3045
- 3060 sys38912,"a","1"+ a1$,8,rt:if rt>10 then l=3060:goto9000
- 3070 sys38912,"c",1,rt:return
- 3100 print " no cache to archive"
- 3110 print " request ignored!":gosub1000:return
- 3197 :
- 3198 :rem fetch
- 3199 :
- 3200 print"[147]fetch....":if ci=1 then 3250
- 3205 close15:open15,8,15,"i0":input#15,e,e$,t,s
- 3210 yy=8:xx=0:gosub90:a1=1:al=09:i=0
- 3220 at$=" enter file name:":printat$:gosub1100:iflen(a1$)=0then return
- 3225 print: sys38912,"f","1"+ a1$,8,rt:if rt>10 then 3280
- 3230 o$="f":fori=1to400:sys38912,"t",1,o$,st%(i),rt:ifrt>10thenl=3230:goto9000
- 3232 print".";
- 3235 o$="r":next:sys38912,"f","2"+a1$,8,rt:ifrt>10thenl=3235:goto9000
- 3240 ci=1:return
- 3250 print " cache has data."
- 3255 print " do you want to archive?":print " (y/n)":poke198,0
- 3260 wait198,15:geta$:if a$="n"then3205
- 3270 return
- 3280 ifrt<>238thenl=3225:goto9000
- 3300 print:print "file not found!":gosub1000:return
- 3387 :
- 3388 :rem locate
- 3389 :
- 3390 print"[147]locate.....":return
- 3400 gosub3390
- 3410 if ci=1 then 3440
- 3420 print" no cache available,":print" request ignored!":gosub1000
- 3430 return
- 3440 print " locate by ([158]n)ame or ([158]i)nventory #?":poke 198,0
- 3450 wait198,15:geta$:ifa$="n"then3610
- 3460 if a$ <> "i" then 3450
- 3463 al=3:a1=0:at$="enter number:":yy=8:xx=0:gosub90:printat$:gosub1100
- 3464 if at>400 or at<1 then print:print"[145]"tab(15);" ":goto3463
- 3465 n=at:ifst%(n)<>1then 3600
- 3470 o$="f":ct%=n+1000
- 3480 sys38912,"s",1," ",pn$," ",am%," ",ex,"=",ct%,rt
- 3481 ifrt>10then l=3480:goto9000
- 3500 gosub3390:at$="item found..":print "";at$
- 3510 print "inventory item no.";n;""
- 3520 print "product: ";pn$
- 3530 yy=int(ex/10000):mm=int((ex-yy*10000)/100)
- 3540 dd=int(ex-(yy*10000)-(mm*100))
- 3550 if am%>9999then print "value =";am%-10000;"percent":goto3580
- 3560 p=am%/100+.001:p$=str$(p):p$=left$(p$,len(p$)-1)
- 3570 print "value = $";p$
- 3580 print "expiry date: ";mm;"[157]/";dd;"[157]/";yy
- 3590 gosub4000:return
- 3600 gosub3390:print" item not available!":gosub1000:return
- 3610 a1=1:al=25:a1$="":at$="enter product: ":yy=8:xx=0:gosub90:gosub1100
- 3620 i=0:o$="f":al$=left$(a1$+sp$,25):ah$=left$(a1$+hv$,25):print"[158]":j=0
- 3630 i=i+1:sys38912,"t",1,o$,pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt:if rt>10 then3700
- 3640 o$="r":ifpn$<al$then3630
- 3645 if ct%>1999 then 3630
- 3650 if pn$>ah$then 3630
- 3655 print pn$;:if am%>9999then print tab(27);am%-10000;"%";:goto3670
- 3660 p=am%/100+.001:p$=str$(p):p$=left$(p$,len(p$)-1):print tab(26);"$";p$;
- 3670 print tab(35);ct%-1000
- 3680 j=j+1:ifj>11 then gosub1000:j=0:gosub3390
- 3690 goto3630
- 3700 print " end of search!":gosub1000:return
- 4000 print" ([158]c)ontinue ... ([158]d)elete item":poke198,0
- 4010 wait 198,15:geta$:if a$="c"then return
- 4020 if a$<>"d"then 4010
- 4030 e=ct%-1000:ct%=ct%+1000:sys38912,"t",1,"w",pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt
- 4040 if rt>10 thenl=4030:goto9000
- 4050 st%(e)=2:return
- 4197 :
- 4198 :rem list
- 4199 :
- 4200 print "[147]list......":if ci=0then4390
- 4205 print" ([158]a)ctive or ([158]p)urged items":poke 198,0
- 4210 wait 198,15:geta$:if a$="a" then cl=1000:ch=1500:goto4230
- 4215 if a$<>"p"then 4210
- 4220 cl=2000:ch=2999
- 4230 o$="f":gosub4400
- 4240 sys38912,"t",1,o$,pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt:if rt>10 then 4350
- 4250 o$="r":if ct%<cl or ct%>ch then 4240
- 4255 yy=int(ex/10000):mm=int((ex-yy*10000)/100)
- 4256 dd=int(ex-(yy*10000)-(mm*100))
- 4260 print pn$;tab(34);ct%-cl
- 4270 print " expiry:";mm;"[157]/";dd;"[157]/";yy;
- 4280 if am%>9999then print tab(25);am%-10000;"%":goto4300
- 4285 p=am%/100+.001:p$=str$(p):p$=left$(p$,len(p$)-1)
- 4291 print tab(25);"$";p$
- 4300 print:j=j+1:if j<06 then 4240
- 4310 gosub1000:gosub4400:goto4240
- 4350 print " end of list":gosub1000:return
- 4390 print" no cache available.":print" request ignored!"
- 4395 gosub1000:return
- 4400 print"[147] coupon list"
- 4405 print " [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]":j=0:return
- 4487 :
- 4488 :rem purge
- 4489 :
- 4490 print "[147]purge.....":return
- 4500 gosub4490:a1=0:al=6:at$="enter date (yymmdd):":o$="f"
- 4502 if ci=0 then4600
- 4510 yy=4:xx=0:gosub90:gosub1100:i=0:yy=8:gosub90:k=0
- 4512 if at<300000thenat =at+1000000
- 4515 print " number deleted: ";k
- 4520 i=i+1:sys38912,"t",1,o$,pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt:if rt>10 then 4580
- 4530 o$="r":if ct%<1000 or ct%>1500 then 4520
- 4535 if ex=999999then4520
- 4537 if ex<300000thenex =ex+1000000
- 4540 if ex>at then 4520
- 4550 j=ct%-1000:st%(j)=2:ct%=ct%+1000:ifex>999999thenex=ex-1000000
- 4560 sys38912,"t",1,"w",pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt:if rt>10 then l=4560:goto9000
- 4570 k=k+1:print "[145]";k;" ":goto4520
- 4580 if rt<>65 then l=4520:goto9000
- 4590 gosub1000:return
- 4600 gosub4490:print " no cache to available,"
- 4610 print " request ignored!":gosub1000:return
- 4997 :
- 4998 :rem compress
- 4999 :
- 5000 print"[147]compress......":ifci=0then 5100
- 5010 sys38912,"t",1,"c",pn$,am%,ex,ct%,rt:ifrt>10then 5090
- 5020 if ct%>1999 then goto 5050
- 5030 sys38912,"r",rt:ifrt>10then 5090
- 5040 goto 5020
- 5050 j=ct%-2000:st%(j)=0:print pn$;tab(30);ct%-2000
- 5060 sys38912,"d",rt:ifrt>10then 5090
- 5070 goto5020
- 5090 if rt<>65 then l=5000:goto9000
- 5095 gosub1000:return
- 5100 print" no cache available,":print" request ignored!"
- 5110 gosub 1000:return
- 9000 print"[147]radac error encountered"
- 9010 print "rt=";rt;" line #";l
- 9020 print "can't continue ":gosub1000:sys42100
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:radac demo":close15:save"radac demo",8:end